TasRail Coastal Erosion Project Update

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Shaw Contracting have commenced coastal erosion works at KPW 166.5
Sulphur Creek on behalf of TasRail, this is the project’s final site and is expected
to be complete in May 2020. Major works involve excavating to the design profile, placing geofabric, and then placing the rock layers to each required thickness, Class II Rock layer (50 kg – 350 kg) is then followed by the Class I Rock layer (600kg – 2500 kg). Excavation and rock placement are conducted in small sections to ensure embankment stability for the trains.

Works were planned to be complete before the Christmas break, however the site was inundated with penguins. This resulted in the second and current attempt at the site works which have been timed to occur after the penguin breeding and moulting seasons. Penguin monitoring is a daily aspect of this work and fortunately with the penguin fence in place very few have managed to enter the work zone.

Special thanks goes to the previous work team of mostly sub-contractors at the
completed sites, and to our current team of almost all Shaw employees - Stuart
Sydes, Johnno Sheehan, Brendan How, Evan McMillan, and Jason Plumbridge for a job well done.